Program in Early Cultures
Tags Digital Resources

Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine


The Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine (IIP) project seeks to make accessible all of the significant inscriptions found in the area of modern Israel/Palestine that date between approximately 520 BCE to 640 CE; it now contains close to 4,000 inscriptions.

Stone with carving of menorah and shofarThe inscriptions are in Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Latin, and Georgian (with other languages being added as appropriate) and are fully searchable both in their original language and English translation. There is a geographical interface and we are now incorporating more images and linguistic analyses. The site also contains essays that explain the importance and significance of several of the inscriptions.

IIP is directed by Michael L. Satlow. It is managed by Visiting Assistant Professor (research) Gaia Lembi and administered by the Center for Digital Scholarship at Brown University.